Thursday, 29 January 2009

College Progress

as part of the weblogs course i have to post my college progression so here goes

Block 1
Computer Systems -PASSED
Computer Fundamentals - PASSED
Communications - PASSED
Pascal -PASSED
Living online - PASSED

Block 2
Key Applications - PASSED
Maths - PASSED
Weblogs - PASSED (yaasssss)
Working with others - PASSED

Block 3
Visual Basic -
MOS Excel -
MOS Word -
MOS Powerpoint -

thats how i have done so far

how i created my blog

hi there i was asked to post how i done this blog

i started to create my blog by going to WWW.BLOGGER.COM and clicking on the create blog button
i then added a title, a subject, and my first post from there i added feeds, a video bar, links, and audio

for the feeds
1. go to layout
2. add gadget
3. then news
4. pick your news feed
5. add to blog

for the video bar
1. go to layout
2. add gadget
3. video bar
4 search keywords
5. add to blog

for the links
1. go to layout
2. add gadget
3. link list
4. add links (URLS)
5. add to blog

for the audio
1. Go to layout
2. add gadget
3. scroll down till you see HTML/JAVASCRIPT
4. add a name and paste a code

Update Again LOL

i have got blue speedo bulbs i fitted them last night and put the dash back together it dash now looks great it only took me about three hours trying to figure out which screw goes where,lol but i got there in the end.

i got a new bee sting arial for the car fitted that last night the battery was dead so i had to get the trusty battery charger out and charge i need to leave for about 2 days to get a full charge

well thats all for now catch ya l8r

heres a picture of what i want my car to look like

Friday, 23 January 2009

My Car Update
i have now got my 16" deep dish TSW Omegas for my car they need new tires will be getting them soon

i will get pics up as soon as i take them lol

Sunday, 18 January 2009

My Car

Hi there I’m Dean and I am a studying NQ computing at college and one of my subjects is weblogs. I was asked to make a blog so I decided to do my first blog on my car.

I have a mk1 ph3 Renault Clio
Its metallic blue
It has a 1.4 engine
I fitted it with new brake pads and discs
It’s had a full service
A year’s mot
It will be getting silver viper stripes (I don’t know what way I want them yet)
It’s getting a good sound system
Xenon style headlight bulbs
It has been debadged (except the front Renault badge)

I first thought about going down the euro look route but I don’t know exactly what I want to do with it yet

Any ideas welcome